
THINDOWN: 자연에서 태어난 지속 가능한 소재

강력한 친환경 정체성

씬다운을 생산하고 있는 NIPI 이탈리아는 브랜드와 소비자를 위해, 지속가능한 환경적 대안을 모색하고 있습니다.

이제 소비자는 옷장에 있는 옷에 대해 친환경과 윤리적인 시각을 갖게 되었고, 그로 인해 환경 친화적인  충전재를 선택할 수 있게 되었습니다.

다운은 자연에서 왔고, 생분해 되며, 재생 가능하고, 환경 친화적인 소재입니다.

다운은 생태계에 순환 되지 않고 환경으로 재통합 되지 않는 석유 화학 소재들의 대안입니다.

씬다운은 인조 충전재보다 뛰어난 장점과 성능을 제공하며 동물 보호와 환경을 위해 윤리적이고 지속 가능한 재료 사용 및 생산과정을 관리합니다.

이탈리아 Chieti에 있는 단 하나뿐인 생산 공장은 아주 높은 수준의 환경 보호와 에너지 절감을 실천하고 있습니다.

생산공정에서 발생하는 CO2 배출량을 최소화하고 상수원을 보호하며 유해한 화학 물질을 사용하지 않습니다

지속 가능한 친환경 제품 라인

Tessuto in vera piuma 100% riciclato post consumo.  

thindown recycled

100% 최종소비자로부터 재활용된 다운 패브릭.
read more
Il meglio della natura e il meglio della scienza. 

thindown sorona®

자연과 첨단 과학 기술의 만남.
read more
Tessuto in vera fibra di piuma riciclata. 

thindown fiberfill

재활용한 다운 깃털 패브릭.
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Blend di fiocco di piuma, piuma e fibra di piuma, tutto riciclato. 

thindown hybrid

다운 클러스터, 깃털 및 섬유의 독창적 혼합. 모두 재활용 소재.
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다양한 환경 영역에서 폴리에스터 와 다운의 수명 주기 비교 테스트:

thindown cambiamento climatico


thindown risorse


thindown ecosistema


thindown salute

인체의 유해성

thindown cambiamento climatico


thindown risorse


thindown ecosistema


thindown salute

인체의 유해성

실험 결과 모든 영역에 걸쳐 다운이 폴리에스터보다 85%~97% 정도 유해물질을 적게 배출하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 씬다운의 주성분은 천연 다운입니다.



Responsibile Down Standard

THINDOWN® is committed to the ethical sourcing of down.
All THINDOWN® products made with virgin down are RDS certified.
RDS stands for Responsible Down Standard: an independent, verified and voluntary worldwide standard.
The RDS certificate guarantees:

• Responsible sourcing of down as a by-product of the food industry
• The tracing and signing of certification standards throughout any phase of the production chain, ensuring that the product is ethically sourced, contrasting the practices of live plucking and forced feeding.

The RDS protocol has been developed with the support of animal rights advocacy groups, industry experts, brands and retailers.
Created by Textile Exchange and certified by an external certification body, Control Union.
To find out more about RDS, please visit



THINDOWN® has chosen to contribute to the conservation and rational use of raw materials and offers products made of 100% recycled down and regenerated down fiber, GRS certified.

The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is promoted by Textile Exchange, a nonprofit organization focused in promoting responsible and sustainable development in the textile industry.

The GRS certificate is issued by an external certification body which certifies:

 The recycled origin of the product
The traceability throughout the production process
 Restrictions on the use of chemicals
Compliance with environmental and social criteria extended to all stages of the production chain, including workers’ rights.

Adherence to this independent standard aims to encourage adoption of responsible production and consumption models, encouraging rationalisation of natural resources (virgin raw materials, water and energy), waste and pollution.


THINDOWN® è OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 in Class 1 certified.

The STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® is an independent and uniform international control and certification system for raw materials, semifinished and finished products in the textile industry.

The purpose of the standard is to verify the presence of toxic substances in textile products, both for humans and the environment. The presence of the label grants that the manufacturer is certified as environmentally friendly both in the processes and in the factories, as well as tested to verify the absence of harmful substances in the product.

The extensive and strict list of requirements including, among others, the absence of:
• azoic coloring agents, formaldehyde, cadmium, nickel, etc.
• chemicals hazardous to health
• environment polluting substances

The OEKO-TEX® controls of toxic substances are divided into product classes, according to the intended use of fabrics and materials. THINDOWN® has reached the most stringent product class: Class 1, which certifies its compatibility with items intended for babies and infants.